Consulting and Engineering
BB&A Environmental provides consulting and engineering services in the following areas:
Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) for Property Transactions

- Radon Testing
- Environment/Technical Review
- Transaction Screens
- Phase I ESA’s (Historical Assessment/Walkover Survey)
- Phase II ESA’s (Physical Site Assessment)
- View or Print a Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) Brochure
- Phase III (Site Cleanup)
- AHERA Certified Asbestos Surveys
- Lead Based Paint Risk Assessment and Survey
Hazardous Waste and Solid Waste Investigations
- Preliminary Assessment (PA)
- Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS)
- Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment
- Independent Cleanup Pathway (ICP)
- Voluntary Cleanup Pathway (VCP)
- Waste Characterizations
Underground Storage Tank (UST) Investigations
- Commercial/Industrial UST Systems
- Baseline Site Assessment for Property Transactions
- UST Decommissioning/Closure
- Simple to Complex Risk Based Assessments
- Residential Heating Oil USTs
- View or Print a Heating Oil Tank (HOT) Brochure
- Soil Matrix
- Generic Remedy
Emergency Spill Response
- Unified Command System
- Insurance Liaison
- Environmental Section Coordination
- Technical Support Services
Environmental Compliance Services

- Environmental Compliance Audits
- Groundwater Protection/Resources Studies
- Stormwater Pollution Control Plans (SWPCP)
- View or Print a Stormwater Management Brochure
- Storm Water Underground Injection Control (UIC) System
- View or Print a Stormwater Underground Injection Control (UIC) System Brochure
- Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plans (SPCC)
Design and Engineering
- In-Situ Soil and Groundwater Remediation System
- Pollution Contol Measures/Devices
- Civil
- AutoCAD Drafting
Computer Aided Modeling
- Contaminant Fate and Transport
- Groundwater Flow
- Water Resource Assessments
- Air Flow
- Remedial Designs
- Chemical Risk Evaluation
Building Condition Air Quality
- AHERA Certified Asbestos Surveys
- Lead Based Paint Risk Assessment and Survey
- Radon Testing
Many of the professional consulting and engineering services provided by BB&A Environmental include answering several fundamental questions. These questions may, for example, include:
- Is the property contaminated (i.e., soil and/or groundwater)?
- How badly is it contaminated?
- What is the source of the contamination?
- Has the contamination migrated off site?
- Are there human or ecological risks resulting from the contamination?
- What are the options for remediating the contamination?
- What are the comparative costs of remediation alternatives?
- How long will it take to complete the remediation?
- Will confirmation of the contamination require notifying local, state, or federal regulatory agencies?
- If the contamination is a reportable release, what will the regulator require?