Site cleanup in days rather than months or years!
BB&A Environmental specializes in the injection of BOS 100® and BOS 200®, carbon based injectates (CBIs), developed and patented by Remediation Products, Inc. (RPI). Both products are engineered around the “Trap and Treat” process of remediation. BOS 100® is used to destroy chlorinated compounds using reactive ZVI (6.5% by weight) by reductive dechlorination. BOS 200® uses facultative organisms to biodegrade petroleum hydrocarbons on an activated carbon platform. In addition to CBIs, BB&A can inject many other chemical compounds to achieve remediation goals (i.e., chemical oxidants, bioaugmentation products, oxygen enhancement compounds, and electron donors).
BB&A Environmental
RPI Approved Installer
BB&A Environmental is an Approved Installer with the RPI Group and has completed multiple injection projects in Oregon, Washington, and California. BB&A’s staff has also completed training in Oregon and Kentucky with the national distributor for the RPI Group.
Would you answer any of the following questions?
- Are you dealing with a recalcitrant cleanup site?
- Have you spent tens of thousands, or perhaps hundreds of thousands, on remediation and still have not met regulatory compliance standards?
- Are you monitoring year after year with little prospect of regulatory site closure?
RPI Process
“Trap and Treat” BOS 100® (Chlorinated Solvents) and BOS 200® (Petroleum Hydrocarbons)
First "Target"

Pre-injection remedial design characterization (RDC) to determine the precise vertical and lateral distribution and concentration of contamination to effectively “target” injection. Results of the pre-injection design characterization provide the data necessary to calculate the lateral and vertical distribution of contaminant mass in soil and groundwater and to design the injection program for placement of required quantities of BOS® remediation media.

The RPI product support laboratory provides FREE laboratory services for design phase, installation, and performance evaluation!
Then "Trap"

Both BOS 100® and BOS 200® are manufactured from activated carbon. Pressure injection of an aqueous suspension via temporary boring locations disperses the product into the vadose zone and/or the saturated zone where it “traps” contaminants. This is accomplished through adsorption of contaminants into the activated carbon.
And Finally "Treat"
BOS 100® “treats” contaminants with elemental iron which, when in contact with chlorinated solvents, creates a chemical reaction resulting in non-toxic unregulated gases such as ethene or ethane.
BOS 200® “treats” contaminants trapped by the product with a consortium of bacteria and fungi specifically cultured to degrade petroleum and fuel hydrocarbons. In addition, this consortium is specifically cultured to perform under conditions specific to the BOS 200®. This means that the consortium will perform under either aerobic or anaerobic conditions.
WHAT IS THE RESULT? Regulatory Site Closure!
Custom Designed Injection System
- 30 hp, 480-volt, 3-phase electrical motor and hydraulic pump capable of 35 gpm at 1,200 psi.
- 480-volt, 3-phase variable frequency drives and controls for hydraulic pump and mixer.
- 350-gallon mix and fresh water tanks.
- High pressure and corrosion resistant components, fittings, and gauges.
- Built-in safety switches with NEMA-4 components.